Monday, August 16, 2010

Weekend & Monday

Emerson had a great weekend. Friday the occupational thearpist said that vibration and shaking stimulated her and she liked it and suggested we get a vibrating bouncy so we did. And she really loved it but she is just about to heavy and long for it, but oh well.
Notice her curve and "ballerina" feet

Emerson also got a mobile that I found. It plays Bach, Mozart, Chopin, and Nature music has lights and goes around in a circle like a regular mobile. I got it because we are trying to get her full eye sight back. All we know that she can see is lights. But all the thearpist are noticing that she is trying to track anything that's put in front of her face. So hopefully through her mobile, the thearpist and most importantly God she can regain her full sight back. But Tuesday Aug 17th she'll be getting a hearing and vision test so we'll know what she can see and hear. Fingers crossed.

Today Monday August 16th in speech Emerson has gotten really really good at "popping" off her speaking valve. She's smarter then the doctors give her credit for. lol. And Mrs. Verlencia thinks so too. She knows that something different is on her and she moves her right arm to try and pull it but while she's doing that she reevs up her breaths and POPS it right off everytime! And as soon as it's popped off she calms right down like "yep I just did what I was intending to do" lol. My little princess! :)
(The purple on her trach is called the "speaking valve" and for those who don't remember or didn't read the previous post the speaking valve allows air in through her trachea but she has to work to get the air out through her mouth and nose and it is also one step closer to getting the trach out!)

In occupational thearpy today she also did well she is continuing to hold her head up but still hasn't been longer then 1 min. But it's okay she'll get there! She also still has amazing range in her right arm and left and we are just continuing to get the FULL range back!

In physical thearpy today she also did well, fell asleep like usuall. lol. She has almost full range back in her left hip but we are still working on getting more the a 45 degree angle range back in her right hip. A work in progress but she is making progress and that's all that counts. Emerson all got a cast put on both her legs. No she did not break anything, the casts are used to try and get full range of motion back in her feet so that she is able to begin walking again. Your foot naturally goes 90 degrees well Emerson's left foot only goes -20 degrees and her right only goes -30 degrees. With putting the cast on they strech her foot to the -20 and -30 hold it and cast it. It will be on until thursday and the goal is to get that range completly back and not just when Mrs. Lori pushes it and then push her foot to get even further range cast it again and repeat those steps until she gets the natural 90 degrees back. FINGERS CROSSED AND PRAYERS PLEASE!!!! Here are some pictures of the process.

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