Ok so I left off with Emerson having a swallow study done and she did, It was done on Tuesday August 31, 2010. Her swallow study went perfect. She did wonderful with it and it was quite a neat experience. It literaly showed her food on her tounge and see her swallow and run down to her stomach. It's pretty darn neat.
Emerson also got her right cast off and she is at 90 degrees! So both of her feet are out of her casts and in their AFO's and tennis shoes! :) Emerson also stood up (with help) for the first time today. Her left leg was pretty strong but her right leg buckled a few times. But it was to be expected since she just got the cast off that morning. In occupational thearpy Leslie tried putting Emerson over a ball to stretch her back BUUUTttttT Emerson did NOT like it! We also began practicing spreading out our fingers to touch things like a piano, ball, or toy. She also sat up today with help and her back is soooo straight it's amazing!
Also too my brother and his wife welcomed a baby boy! Welcome to the world Luke Icarus Bosworth! Born 6 pounds 3 ounces and 19 inches long! :)
Cousins: Britten Jr. & Luke |
On Wednesday September 1, 2010 Emerson was put in a stander for the first time. She did pretty good. She also opened and closed her fingers on some wind chimes when asked to touch them. In occupational Leslie practiced reaching and grabbing for things. In speech Emerson got some rice cerel with her baby food. Below is a video of her eating. enjoy!
Friday September 3, 2010 Emerson smiled at us again 4 times after her afternoon thearpy and again at 10:00pm we got 2 more smiles from her! :)
In occupational thearpy she worked on head control and reaching but mostly she slept through her thearpy... lol. In physical thearpy Lori worked on her head control and had her in the stander again. In speech she ate really good. She was also introduced to bubbles and when one landed on her arm it startled her. This weekend of Sept 3-6 was the first weekend we were able to feed Emerson baby food! :)
Now on to this week Tuesday September 7, 2010 in speech Emerson began having neuromusclar electrical stimulation. It is electrodes put under her chin and mini amps are shoked to her chin and it's suppose to stimulate the sucking, swallowing, chewing refluxes. So she began at 1.5 amps and responded really well to it. In the above video was Emerson begining out with baby food below is her now. Again enjoy!
Wednesday September 8, 2010 Emerson had no thearpy because she has a broncoscope (sp?) done. First of all a broncoscope is a scope used to go down the trachea and into the lungs to retrieve some secreations to see if she's asperating anything. The reason they did this test was because for about a week now Emerson has been wheezing and or gurgaling. So to be on the safe side since she is now eating baby food they wanted this procudure done. Well the results are back and she is not asperating, which is wonderful news. So most likely with the amount of asthma in her family history she may be devoloping asthma, but they are unable to diagnose her with that just yet because you have to have several episodes before it can be diagnosed. Now this was concered an outpatient procudure and Emerson had to have anestesia and an IV. Now Emerson has had several procudures involving anestesia and IV's since she's been hospitalized but this one was different because she and her body actually responded to the fact that she has a procudure done. What I mean is on previous procudures when she was in the recovery room and we got to go see her it was like she just woke up from a sleep and she was fine no reaction no crying no nothing. It always bothered me but no one else seemed bothered. Well with this procudure she was shaking from the anestesia got a small fever that was controlled by mortrin and was crying. I was sooooo excited because that means that that is a part of her brain that is working that potentially wasn't working before! Amen! Thank you God! :) Just had to share that with everyone because it's soooo wonderful! Also too again Emerson has had her fair share of IV's and they have all been flushed (putting fluid through to see if it hasn't collasped) but she never really reacted to it. Well when they went to flush her IV that was on her foot she felt it and it made my day also too when it was time for the IV to come out she pulled her foot away several times when they were pulling the tape! WooHoo!!! God is good!
In speech that day Emerson got more mini amps with the neuromuscular electrical stimulation. She was bumped up to 2.5 min amps and it was left on for 30 minutes. And we have also noticed that she is trying to chew!
Friday September 10, 2010 in speech we are definitly noticing more tounge movement and louder quicker smacking and swallowing. And we are also not needing to "sweep" her cheeks as much. (sweeping is going inside her cheeks to get excess food that she can't remove herself) Emerson was also given a big orange button that lit up and made sound and she followed it very well and is now moving her head with her eye movement. She also pushed the button several x's. Video below.
In physical thearpy Emmy got fitted for her wheelchair/stroller to take home and it takes about 3 months to come in. In occupational thearpy she smelled garlic powder and cinnimon but we didn't get too much of a reaction to either. But she was given a ball like a globe and was able to push it down about three times when asked. Also too Emerson got a mic-key button. I'll post pictures of that soon. Below are some videos of Emerson with her speaking valve and you can hear her crying really well. Enjoy! :)
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